Have you ever done all the right things, and still feel like things were off and you couldn't figure out why?

You're a woman who knows how to set and achieve goals in the standard way. 

You're successful and climbing the ladder, so on the outside, it all looks like it's supposed to. Just like you envision. 

You've done the therapy, done the work, so you're not un-informed and pretty much, you're able to diagnose your own limitations. 

And yet, none of those tools seem to be working for this important transformation that you're in now. 

You need a new solution, a new viewpoint, a new 'shortcut' to get you through to the other side of this big change so you can continue to thrive and make progress in a way that's meaningful for you and your family. And you need it now!

This is the program for you.

"You are so inspiring! I have no excuse whatsoever to not be the best I can be after this!" ~ Carli

In Ignite Your Fire and
Find Your Way...

  • You'll refine your vision and your goals, so they come from inside YOU and not from the ones that society tells us to achieve. They may overlap, but this refinement and new energy is the difference that keeps you going when the going gets rough. Because it will, and does.
  • You'll connect to your soul's wisdom and your akashic records so you have the tools and insight to make clear decisions and take actions that are right for you, so you no longer blindly follow just what is offered to you or the traditional avenues you've been presented.
  • You'll uncover and overcome the invisible blocks that keep you bumping up against yourself and from making the progress you know is possible.
  • You'll step into your personal power and understand your natural strengths and abilities. And, you'll identify where you need help from others to get to where you want in life and business.
  • You'll create your personal roadmap for your next steps after this program is over.

Exclusive: 1x1 clients receive a custom Divine Explosion painting based on your own resonance - that will help you remember who you are and become a personal (important) touchstone as you keep going and create the visions that you have inside. (My paintings sell for $10,000)

Bonus 1: You get access to my 3 high-level corporate training e-courses to use throughout the program and add to your transformation success. (Value: $999)

Bonus 2: Access to a new community of professionals like yourself who understand the value of energetics and meaning beyond what normal business life tells us. (Value: Connection is invaluable!)

"Ellen creates from her heart and soul and her pieces ring with her Divine energy." ~ Priestess Paradigm

This 1x1 program is different from normal coaching programs because of the variety of skills I offer. From 30 years of training and coaching in Fortune 100 and 500 companies to drawing from the creative concepts of being a trained artist, I offer unique solutions that others can't see to help you develop your own insights and your own unique plan forward.  You do the work, I help you uncover it in new and meaningful ways that impact you right away. Your own personal shortcut.

It’s time for you to be your own authority.

We’re taught to listen to outside authorities for safety and answers – but what if you haven’t tapped into the best authority yet? The one inside.

I know this from personal experience because this is my story. I went from being confused and crying at the dinner table because I couldn't figure out how I ended up so unfulfilled and stuck after doing all the right things, to being transformed and thriving today. These techniques are the ones that worked for me, and in our 1:1 coaching, we will use them to help you in your own personal transformation in life, career, and relationships. 

What’s Included?

  • 3 1:1 coaching sessions a month with access to the community and group sessions.
  • Access to my three signature trainings: Create Your Vision, Claim Your Power, and Manage and Thrive During Big Change.
  • An off-social media community for collaboration and support.
  • A small Divine Explosion original artwork created especially for you through our work together as a reminder of your transformation after program completion.

"If you are looking for answers Ellen will help you reconnect with your truth in your soul!" ~ Sofia

Let's do this!

Full Package + Exclusive Bonuses for Only $3333!